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Become a part of the JewishSouth Online Discussion List.

The Southern Jewish Historical Society has now established an online discussion forum for the discussion of southern Jewish history; its name is JewishSouth. This will help promote a stronger sense of community among those of us who are interested in the field, and it will provide a place for us to discuss and ask questions about southern Jewish history virtually any time of day or night. In a sense, it is like being able to continue throughout the year the great discussions that occur at our conference. The list will allow those who have signed up for it to email their questions and comments about southern Jewish history to everyone else on the list. People can then respond and have a great discussion. Emails can range in scope from questions about where to look for historical resources and information, to debate over an idea or interpretation, and announcements of lectures and events—anything that concerns southern Jewish history is fair game.

Online lists have become popular, and the Southern Jewish Historical Society is happy that it can now offer this tool. If you want to be a part of it, however, you must sign up. There is no cost involved and you can unsubscribe at any time simply by emailing the list’s moderator, Adam Mendelsohn. To sign up (or, “subscribe”), simply email Adam at [email protected]. Once you have joined the list, you will receive a couple of emails that explain in detail how to use the list. You do not have to be a member of SJHS to participate in the list. So, please tell others who you think might be interested.

Come join the interesting discussions that have already been taking place!